Ryan’s Graduation Commencement

So, I graduated from college on Friday! 


9 May 2014


It was an awesome day! We ate a good dinner and Sarah and I were able to visit with family.
We bumped into a few of my professors at dinner who also joined in the celebrating at the ceremony. I hope to remain in contact with all of them. We saw friends we haven’t seen in a while and we’re encouraged by so many. I hope everyone gets to experience a day like that at least once in their life.IMG_8015

Graduation day showed me some things that I’ll keep close to my heart. I knew these, but it’s always nice to be reminded.
  • My wife is always there for me. In the midst of craziness she will be there by my side.
  • My family loves me they will sacrifice much to encourage me and support me.
  • I would make a terrible politician! All those photos and hand shakes, it’s very difficult to keep up your energy when you see so many people you love saying hi, wanting to give you hugs and encourage you for your journey after college

Ryan and his Brother Logan


Ryan receiving his diploma!


Reflecting on where I’ve been, and where I am now, here are a few of my thoughts. I’ve met many great friends at college. One of those friends being my wife! College has taught me so much. The things I’ve learned at school go beyond just reading Hebrew, exegeting Scripture, strategic planning and executing of ideas, and the system in which people are disciples. I’ve learned to engage the scriptures with more than just my mind, and what it means to truly love others who are so valuable in the eyes of God. I couldn’t care less about the degree. Rather, the experience of college, everything I’ve learned, the people I’ve met and the growth that The Lord has done in my heart while on this beautiful campus, are the treasures I am walking away with. The degree is a key to the doorway of life that I’m so excited to journey with my wife and family.

In every syllabus I’ve had in my four years at Multnomah University there was a section of the syllabus that most people ignore, the course objectives. These have a hidden secret within them, they tell you everything you need to know about the class. Everything the professor hopes to accomplish in those few weeks are all summed up within that paragraph or page that most people only skim. There are three common objectives: cognitive, logic and problem solving and affective. The objective of college I’m most thankful for isn’t the cognitive, it’s the affective work of the college which I received both inside and outside the class room.

Ryan and Jonathan


Andrea, Sarah and Ryan


Dr. Josberger, Ryan, and Dr. Kutz

We were also blessed with a visit from Sarah’s parents this weekend, in town the graduation. They were able to help us pack up and purge our apartment of all the items we did not sell. With their help, we only had to make one run to Goodwill!
Words cannot express our gratitude to them, their love and support in this time has been invaluable. They are even blessing us by lending us one of their cars for this season! Praise Jehovah Jireh, our provider, our Lord! He knows our needs and always meets them!
We are so excited to watch the Lord lead us forward from here. Let the next steps commence! We’ve got this! Cause God’s got us 😉