Our First Anniversary

July 13th, 2014 Sarah and I celebrated our First Anniversary! It was an incredible day!
The morning was perfect. We went to church and sat next a dear friend of ours. Jonah Kopp, the very man who played music for our wedding, was leading worship that morning. The first song was How Great is our God. We sang that at our wedding! On the day of our first anniversary we sing the same song, being led by the same man. It was absolutely incredible!
After church we went on an adventure to find a sandwich shop. The first three we found were closed on Sunday’s. We ended up at Jimmy Johns. We love Jimmy Johns!
After Lunch we went back to our home base and rested for a while. Around 5 we went to a sushi dinner at Shikis. It was absolutely delicious! Plus, it was happy hour. We ate and got full for half the price. We are definitely going back there.
We wrapped up our day by going and seeing a movie and promptly afterward going to look at stars. One thing you can’t take away from Eagle Point is the beauty found in nature that surrounds us!
We spent our down time talking about ways we have grown and still need to grow. While we drove we said things we were thankful for in our marriage and contemplated what our life will look like a year from now. We both hope we will be in England!
Today, while I remembered our wedding day, I am so thankful for everyone who loves and supports us, especially on that day. I am so thankful for everyone of my groomsmen. The bridesmaids were fantastic as well. After reviewing our well wishes from friends and family, I felt so overwhelmed by the love and joy sent our way by our family and friends! You are all amazing and we love you so much. We truly believe we have the best life we could ever have.